We will prepare an independent project.
Your topic should be unique and must be approved by me.You will develop your topic over the next 2 weeks and present in week 3. As part of our research we will discuss our topics in class and conduct surveys. What questions can you ask your classmates? Some research will be done in class and some will be homework.
Please comment your topic. Write your name and your topic area. Explain in 1-2 sentences why you chose your topic or what your topic focus or main idea is.
This is our schedule
- Week 1: Choose topic
- Week 2: Develop topic
- Week 3: Present topic
You should choose a topic today. This will ensure everyone has a different topic.
Please talk to Mike in class to get approval and then post to this page. Thank you.
2 responses to “My Project / Topic”
Tech – Smartphone Wars: iPhone and Android
I want to discuss similarities and differences in smartphones from hardware to software. In my survey I will ask the students what platform they use, and which features they like on their phones. Personally, I am not a fanboy. I use Mac for my computer and Android for my phone so I could use any platform.
Hi, looks good!
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